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Support The Simpsons Directory

If you'd like to support this site, feel free to use one of the graphics below. Simply cut and paste the HTML code, or advanced users can save the images, and upload them to their own servers. Please link only to the main page - The filenames will change, and eventually your links won't work.

Copy This Code:
<a href="">
<img src="" height=60 width=468 border=0 alt="The Simpsons Directory - Your Portal to the Best Simpsons Sites"></a>

For this 468x60 banner:
The Simpsons Directory - Your Portal to the Best Simpsons Sites

Copy This Code:
<a href="">
<img src="" height=40 width=400 border=0 alt="The Simpsons Directory - Your Portal to the Best Simpsons Sites"></a>

For this 400x40 banner:
The Simpsons Directory - Your Portal to the Best Simpsons Sites

Copy This Code:
<a href="">
<img src="" height=30 width=87 border=0 alt="The Simpsons Directory"></a>

For this 87x30 banner:
The Simpsons Directory

Copy This Code:
<a href="">
<img src="" height=30 width=87 border=0 alt="The Simpsons Directory"></a>

For this 87x30 banner:
The Simpsons Directory

Copy This Code:
<a href="">
<img src="" height=30 width=87 border=0 alt="The Simpsons Directory"></a>

For this 87x30 banner:
The Simpsons Directory

The Simpsons Directory Thanks the following Simpsons sites for putting up graphics:
100% Simpsons
Simpsonly The Best
The Simpsons Trivia Castle
The Simpsons Sourcebook
The Lovejoy Files
And thanks to the following Non-Simpsons sites:
To be added to this list, just put up a Simpsons Directory graphic, and email the webmaster.